Autotrading Details

Don't have time to babysit the market?

There is no need for you to be tied to a computer all day long.  The autotrade feature is a perfect solution for those always on the go or for those unable to monitor the markets for one reason or another.  With the proper authorization, you allow your broker to submit trades in your account based on your specific allocations.  At no time will we ever have any access to any of our subscribers' account details and permission settings.  With autotrading, you decide how much to trade with through your provider and they will do their best to fill your orders to follow ours.

Do You Need Help Finding An Autotrade Provider?

Click on any of the links below to be directed over to each of the brokers' websites for more details on how to open an account today!  The process to define allocation settings differ from one broker to the next, so please be sure to contact them directly with any questions you may have.

Autotrade with Global AutoTrading Autotrade with AutoShares

Through Global AutoTrading, autotrade is available for account holders of the following:
InteractiveBrokers tradierBrokerage

* If you do not see your current broker listed here but would like to have them autotrade your account, please contact both, your broker and TradeMavens, with a request to have them added.